SHARE 狩野佑真 / studio yumakanoによる、栃木・那須烏山市の住宅のエンランス壁面「Rust Harvest|Wall for S house」

狩野佑真 / studio yumakanoがデザインした、栃木・那須烏山市の住宅のエンランス壁面「Rust Harvest|Wall for S house」です。
そのような建築要素のなかで、エントランス壁面を ”Rust Harvest|錆の収穫” の素材を用いてデザインした。住人が毎日通る玄関でありながらも、来訪客を迎え入れるエントランスとして”圧倒的な美しさ” が求められた。

そのような建築要素のなかで、エントランス壁面を ”Rust Harvest|錆の収穫” の素材を用いてデザインした。住人が毎日通る玄関でありながらも、来訪客を迎え入れるエントランスとして”圧倒的な美しさ” が求められた。W3215×H2523mm の面に360枚のRust Harvest のピースをグリッド状に敷き詰め、マクロの視点では1枚の巨大な抽象画のようにも見え、ミクロの視点では1枚1枚異なる錆の模様がまるで顕微鏡を覗いているかのように多様で複雑な表情を見せる。
「Rust Harvest|錆の収穫」について
“Rust Harvest|錆の収穫”は錆にフォーカスしたマテリアル実験プロジェクト。
タイトル:Rust Harvest|Wall for S house
エンランス壁面設計:狩野佑真/studio yumakano
サイズ:W3215 x H2523mm
素材:アクリル樹脂, ステンレス, 鉄, 銅, 錆
施工:studio yumakano, 片岡タイル
種別 | 使用箇所 | 商品名(メーカー名) |
内装・壁 | 壁 | アクリル樹脂、ステンレス、鉄、銅、錆 |
This project was for the design of an entrance wall for a newly-built residence in Nasukarasuyama, Tochigi. The site is slightly elevated, sitting in a pleasant natural landscape made of wide farmlands with a river running nearby, and surrounded by hills that change each moment under the vast sky. The exterior is marked by a reflecting pool, paths made from local Oya-stone, large garden stones, and an exterior wall covered in yakisugi – cedar boards charred black in a traditional method. The interior employs several natural materials. Pure woods like white oak and ash is widely used, and the ceilings are covered in washi paper.
Amidst these materials, we designed an entrance wall using pieces from the Rust Harvest project. We were requested to create something overwhelmingly exquisite in a place where residents would not only pass through each day but would also greet guests as they entered.
We covered the 3215mm wide by 2523mm high wall with a grid made from 360 pieces from Rust Harvest, creating a work that looks like a large abstract painting from a distance, and when seen up close, reveals countless complex patterns of rust that seem like scenes viewed through a microscope. Steel glimmers between the patterns of rust, and the smooth acrylic surface reflects the surroundings. The wall not only has the dignity it should as part of an entrance, but it also harmonizes with the surrounding materials as it quietly blends with the changes that time and season brings while dynamically changing its expression.
Rust Harvest
“Rust Harvest” is an experimental materials project focused on rust.
The prevention of rust is an age-old problem in manufacturing. Rust has brought down planes, slowed ships, disabled engines, ruined bridges, spread through reinforced concrete, jammed guns, broken washing machines, and reduced unnumbered bicycles to useless scrap. While constantly cast as a devil, a closer look at rust reveals a variety of startlingly beautiful patterns and complex mixtures of color.
With this in mind, we believed that the attractive expressions of rust could be produced in quantity and used in new textures and products.
Through trial and error, we were able to develop a technique that allowed us to transfer only the rust from metal plates using acrylic resin. We expose these plates to light, rain, earth, and seawater to create rust, collect the rust, and then subject the plates to more weathering, which creates another crop to harvest in a process similar to an agricultural cycle. While we still use natural rust, we have taken into account manufacturing, distribution, and costs to create a complete system of production that has moved beyond the scope of design alone.
Unlike metal, the light penetrates rust trapped inside the acrylic resin, which creates a frozen moment from a process that has taken years. Because the resulting material can be used like ordinary acrylic resin, it holds limitless possibilities for various products, interior design, and construction.
Rust Harvest|Wall for S house
Architecture Design : NASUCLUB
Wall Design : Yuma Kano
Dimension : W3215 x H2523mm
Material : Acrylic resin, Steel, Copper, Rust
Construction : studio yumakano, Kataoka Tile
Design Release Date : April 2020
Location : Tochigi, JAPAN
Photo : Gottingham