SHARE 松井大佑 / Atelier komaによる、熊本市の、映画館「gather」。駅前ビル内のシネマコンプレックス。来館者の“集い”をつくる空間の諸要素の“集い”に着目し、モノクロの色彩の下に“制御する”設計を志向。躯体・設備・広告等を“ダミー”の量塊を用いて整理し馴染ませる

松井大佑 / Atelier komaが設計した、熊本市の、映画館「gather」です。

設計:Atelier koma一級建築士事務所 / 松井大佑、諸永雅佳、尾上朋洋
施工:株式会社スペース(一部 株式会社大林組)
シネマ設計:株式会社松田平田設計 / 藤井久生、貳枚田健太、平川聡、堀智朗
照明計画:Mist Light Design / 木下美沙
種別 | 使用箇所 | 商品名(メーカー名) |
内装・床 | ロビー床 | |
内装・床 | ホワイエ床 | タイルカーペット流貼り:GX2009(東リ) |
内装・壁 | ロビー壁 | クロス:TH30245 [白]、TH30262 [黒](サンゲツ) |
内装・天井 | ロビー天井 | AEP塗装:N-93 [白]、N-20 [黒] |
内装・造作家具 | 造作家具天板 | 人造大理石:コーリアン グレイシアホワイト |
内装・その他 | 光幕 |
A place to gather to watch movies. This is the interior plan for the common space of Kumamoto Piccadilly, a movie theater to be built on the seventh floor of the newly constructed Amu Plaza in front of JR Kumamoto Station. After a competition that took many twists and turns, the basic plan was established in early 2020, and the Corona disaster occurred during the final proposal. Gatherings began to be restricted, and an era of skepticism about the movie theater program itself had arrived.
The cinema originally originated as an institution where “kinetoscopes,” wooden box machines that allow people to watch images as if peering into them, were displayed, and the relationship between people and images began as a one-to-one relationship. However, in the 2020s, with the spread of subscriptions spurred by the Corona Disaster, people and images will once again establish a one-to-one relationship. In such an era, what possibilities exist for places where people gather to watch images, and how should these places be solved as interiors? This is how I began to think about “gathering.
We thought of treating the various elements that gather in a movie theater, such as the building frame, equipment, and advertisements, as equivalent to the interior design. Specifically, white, the brand color, and black, the color of Kumamoto’s climate, were used as colors for the interior, and the monochrome colors were used as the axis to control the gathering of the various elements.
The first step was to observe the framework of the building frame. Since the building is planned as a large-scale tenant of a station building, the site (tenant area) has an unusually large structural frame with strong columns and beams. Of course, these frames cannot be erased, but it would be more comfortable if they were close to the visitors.
A dummy volume was fitted into the frame and a floor plan was created so that visitors can gather around the structural frame. The floor texture is made of porcelain tiles with a mixture of potato and horse joints, which are used as a marker to subtly define the way visitors gather.
Looking up, one can see the many miscellaneous items that are typical of large-scale tenants, such as air conditioning, ventilation, lighting, and firefighting equipment. In order to avoid exaggerating their presence as much as possible, dummy volumes were raised on the ceiling to hide or blend in with them, and to organize the equipment and devices.
A movie theater also attracts a lot of eye-catching advertising materials. Of course, such entertainment elements are essential, but watching a movie is essentially a cultural activity that satisfies intellectual desire and curiosity. It is similar to the behavior of a museum or art museum, and as such, the interior of a movie theater should be furnished on a cultural scale. Each of the advertisements was limited in position and blended into a dummy volume like an exhibit in a museum.
Visitors and advertising media vividly gather in the cinema against a monochrome background controlled by the interior. I expect that a pure white space will softly float in the background as a blank space, but I am enjoying that it will be reflected in the everyday scenery of the pavilion.