SHARE 森田一弥建築設計事務所による、京都・左京区の資料館「“Lattice-Pod” 朝田善之助記念館」

森田一弥建築設計事務所が設計した、京都・左京区の資料館「“Lattice-Pod” 朝田善之助記念館」です。施設の見学方法や場所はこちらのページで紹介されています。アーキテクチャーフォトではこの建築の構造体の様子が良くわかる現場写真も特集記事として紹介していました。あわせてご覧ください。

“Lattice-Pod” 朝田善之助記念館
“Lattice-Pod” Asada Archives Library
Founded by a Public Educational Foundation, the Asada Archives Library is home to a collection of references and resources related to Human Rights activities. Located in Kyoto city, the library aims to promote the subject to members of the general public. As the foundation was born out of the idea of solidarity with socially disadvantaged people, the building employs weak and small wood to form the whole main structure which may represent the basic concept of the Foundation.
The structural “ Lattice” frame was constructed with only 9 cm cypress square lumber each piece has only 3-4 m long, and support whole structure on the basement. In order to avoid a sectional loss of the lumber and reduce the joint curving work, long screw nails were used to fix each lumber instead of using traditional joint.
The multiple layers of overlapping lumber pieces allows for the distribution of the joints, enhancing the structural redundancy of the frame, and in the same time create strong character of this facility.
The reading room at the center of the facility is enclosed by a glass facade to either side, giving an impression of openness from both the road outside and from the inside; while traditional earth walls with bamboo base and charred cedar sidings, typical of Machiya and store house, enclose the office and storage space. The earth wall construction also acts as a fire barrier and helps maintain a stable humid condition year-round.
The insulation concrete foundation marks a stark contrast to the “lattice” like upper structure. The concrete foundation acts as a thermal storage; it is cooled by the groundwater, effectively helping the cool air to circulate through the floor and room in the summer. During winter, it is able to absorb heat in a large capacity that helps warm the building, thus keeping the energy costs of the building to a minimum level.
設計:森田一弥建築設計事務所 担当/森田一弥、小寺磨理子、木村俊介
構造設計:満田衛資構造計画研究所 担当/満田衛資、海野敬亮
構造設計協力: 川端建築計画 担当/川端 眞
構造実験協力:京都大学生存圏研究所 担当/北守顕久
照明設計:デザインオフィス ルミノシティ 担当/小川 ユウキ
施工:昭和工務店 担当/中村高司、森下昌之
木工事:宮内建設 担当/宮内寿和、関岡舞美
左官工事:左官匠宮部 担当/宮部友之
造園:有限会社植泰 担当/寺嵜幸雄
塗装:境塗装 担当/境誠二
板金:勝見建築板金 担当/勝見孝弘
建具:山元建具店 担当 山元克司
タイル 竹村タイル 担当/北方良典
サッシ・ガラス:リクシル 担当/山本健太
自動ドア:リクシル 担当/玉田具視
材木:前田木材 担当/前田純二
電気:明星電工 担当/大石隆司
水道:伸興水道工業 担当/水江
ガス:住田建設 担当/河野裕久
地下水空調システム:スミコーホームズ株式会社 担当/長谷勝司
空調ダクト:明星電工 担当/佐々木真二
井戸:井戸掘り 辻 担当/辻聖光
外構:株式会社あしだ 担当/山口宏